On this day when we remember the iconic speech of Martin
Luther King I cannot keep silent because I too have a dream.

I have dream of an age in which truth will triumph over anti-life
I dream of a world where natural justice is paramount, a
world in which all men and women are truly equal and where every conceived
child is welcomed as a unique and special gift from God.
I have a
I dream of a world in which
it is accepted that every human being born or unborn possesses an inalienable
right to life from conception/fertilization, to natural death, antecedent to,
and superior to, all positive law.
I have a dream
I dream that the right to
life of every human being born or unborn will be respected, protected and
legally safeguarded throughout his/her natural life cycle.
I have a dream,
I dream that every man woman and child will come
to understand the precious gift of unborn life and will commit themselves to
the defence of the life and dignity of every human being.
I have a dream,
I dream that one day the slaughter of innocents will
cease and the terrible injustice of abortion will come to an end.
I have a dream
I dream that every national Government will come to
understand the precious gift of every unborn life and that all population
control programmes will be brought to an immediate end
I have a dream
I dream that all international development aid will be
donated without anti-life conditions and nations will be allowed to live in
peace without let or hindrance.
Yes I too have a dream