Archbishop Charles Chaput, of Denver, Colorado, USA, writing in the Denver Catholic Register last January, in the context of the election of President Barack Obama, says:
‘Let your voice supporting life be heard. Christians have an obligation to love their country, build on its greatest qualities and serve its best ideals. We also have the duty to pray for our leaders and obey the law – insofar as the law does not violate human dignity in some systematic, gravely evil way. When bad laws and court decisions cripple the soul of a society, Christians must work to change them as a matter both of justice and charity. Otherwise we risk colluding in the evil of their outcome….’
He went on to speak about ‘one of the most destructive Supreme Court decisions in American history, Roe v. Wade.’ He continued: ‘By legalizing permissive abortion and drastically limiting voters’ ability to restrict it in any way, Roe set the foundations for an abortion industry that has wounded countless women and resulted in the killing of more than 40 million unborn children.’
With so many threats to life in the US, the UN, Europe and around the world, I thought we could all do with this gentle reminder.