Monday, April 12, 2010

More on Kenyan Constitution

On 2 April last I wrote about the new Kenyan Constitution, which contains a considerable amount of anti-life and anti-family material.

Fr. Euteneuer Human Life International President, in his ‘Spirit and Life’ newsletter this week tells us that:
‘Under tremendous pressure from the international abortion juggernaut and acting against the wishes of the people, the Kenyan Parliament just approved a new Constitution that intends to enshrine abortion as a legal right.
‘It now goes to the people for a national referendum in July. If it passes, abortion will be legal in this pro-life country. […]
‘This is an assault on the very heart of Kenya. It is an imperialist move designed to rob Africa of its future by eliminating her children. It is part of the population controllers’ worldwide anti-life conspiracy. …
‘The situation is critical and the pro-life leaders of Kenya are crying out to us for help!’

The U.S. ambassador to Kenya, Fr. Euteneuer says, is calling on Kenya’s political leaders to rally the people to pass the referendum, and also that it is strongly rumoured that ‘the ambassador has promised that the Obama administration would fund a national campaign … to persuade the people to adopt the document.’
Fr Euteneuer recalls that actively pro-abortion Hillary Clinton (U.S. Secretary of State) recently stated that: ‘You cannot have maternal health without reproductive health and reproductive health includes contraception and family planning and access to legal, safe abortions’

‘Obama himself calls the proposed Constitution “a new chapter in the Kenyan history.” It’s “new” all right’, says Fr. Euteneuer.
‘But what’s new is the legalization of abortion and the end of Kenya’s pro-life way of life.’
When Barack Obama assumed control as President at the White House, Dr. Stephen Karanja, pro-life leader and champion of Kenya’s unborn children, said:
‘We in Kenya know [Obama] as a person who is anti-family. A person who supports abortion … Now we are in big trouble because of these Americans. They have no business electing a person who is going to destroy our countries.’

Fr. Euteneuer ends his piece with a request to ‘remember to pray in a special way to St. Michael the Archangel and to the Guardian Angel of Kenya’ for the defeat of the referendum in that country.

The great pro-life priest, Fr. Ted Colleton, CSSp, who spent many years working in Kenya, during the course of an interview some years ago said that:
‘I was in Kenya for 30 years with the people there and I was teaching. I was the principal of schools there and pastor in charge of missions and I had never – this was 40 or 50 years ago – I had never heard of an abortion being committed in Africa. … I had never heard of an abortion being committed, the idea of killing a baby. This was among Africans who didn’t believe in the church, maybe didn’t believe in Christ, but they all believed in God. I never met an African who was an atheist.’

Since his time in Kenya, Fr. Colleton (who is now about 97 years of age) has lived and worked in Canada where on numerous occasions he has been arrested and imprisoned for his pro-life work.