Thursday, December 23, 2010


Extracts from Cry for Life, The Netherlands report on their March for Life which took place on Dec 11
The Dutch annual March for Life which was organized by Cry for Life and Christians for Truth, attracted some eight hundred participants who braved the cold day in the nation’s political capitol, The Hague. The attendance showed a considerable increase on last year and approximately 30% of the group were young people. This represented the largest participation since the Marches began eighteen years ago. 

The March for Life is held each year in December commemorating the date, December 18, 1980, when abortion was approved in the Dutch Parliament. Abortion up to the 24th week is allowed. This year the venue was changed. The March was held in The Hague, the political capitol of the Netherlands. We gathered at noon on the Plein Square located directly in front of the Parliament buildings. An hour was spent praying, singing spiritual hymns and listening to uplifting leaders in the movement who encouraged those present to continue the work.
The officials greeted us. Mr. Cees van der Staaij, a member of parliament enthusiastically thanked the assembled group for coming. Although he admitted that his Christian party is small, he promised to faithfully lead the fight in parliament against abortion. Benigno Blanco of the Right to Life in Spain, sent greetings in a letter of support. So did Jan Bor who represents a similar group in India. He mentioned how they oppose the girl child discrimination through abortion so prevalent in that country. Rev. Eberhard De Jong, the Catholic Bishop welcomed us and encouraged the group in
its opposition to abortion. From the USA former hippy, now a converted Christian,
Brian Kemper encouraged the group to be a shining light in the darkness. Allan
Parker founder of the Justice Foundation related that his group now has more than
5000 personal testimonies which will become legal affidavits from women who
have suffered from abortion. They are telling their painful stories, how abortion did unbearable hurt to them through the ministry, Operation Outcry. These collected testimonies will be presented in upcoming court cases dealing with abortion. More testimonies are needed Allan said, They would like to have at least two million to drop on the Supreme Court’s docket for all to see.
More and more young people are getting involved in the right to life movement. We were so happy to see such a large contingent of young people eager to serve. Jacques Brunt from Heartcry Revival came with many young people challenging them to stand for life. Fire church leader, Frank Pott brought his young people who did the necessary hands on work for an event like this. They marvelously took care of setting up and taking down the platform, tables and signs, and even helped us carry all the materials to the car parked in the underground garage, two floors down.  A Big help! Thanks!
The opposition had warned us that
they were going to stop the march. They began to call Cry for Life offices continually to jam the telephone lines. We did not know what to expect, especially after The Hague police chief quietly suggested that in view of the pending opposition, we might like to cancel our march? Well……No - was the answer!
The police did a wonderful job.
They gave us great protection with mounted police and four SWAT teams in armored vehicles ready for action at moment’s notice. Disorderly conduct was not going to be tolerated.. The city would not issue a permit for the opposition so they had no group right to be there. Any undue noise or violence would not be tolerated. They came in years past with a loud siren and air horns, screaming epithets and curses. But this was not Amsterdam! About 12 protesters showed up. Most were docile. Five were arrested for disorderly conduct. The March was conducted in silence to honor the total silence of the unborn aborted baby who has no voice in the struggle for his life. Three mounted police on huge beautiful horses led the March. We walked about two km., all around the Dutch
Parliament Complex, returning to the Plein Square for a final encouraging send off. The Plein Square was the perfect place to gather. Now that our annual group is three times what it was only two years ago, this new location afforded much more space than the Dam Square in Amsterdam. And there were not so many distracting tourists walking among us.
The leadership of the 2010 March for Life believes that this year even tops last year’s surprise huge attendance. So many new people have become part of the pro-life movement in Holland. And so many of these are from the youth – tomorrow’s leaders. They have pledged to fight abortion until it is abolished. They have a long way to go. During this past year, 30,000 abortions were made in Holland, making the aggregate total now more than 630,000 lives sacrificed on the altars of self- indulgence since 1980. But someday it will all end.
March for Life in Holland, December 11, 2010, was a day of victory. Rejoice with us as we go forward into a new year. Website