The Climb for unborn life will be held this year on Saturday May 7th and climbers are requested to be there at 9.30am. The Rosary will be recited at Our Lady's Grotto at the base, prior to the ascent at 9.45 am. Climbers should arrive early and be ready and should depart in groups. The climb will be lead this year by the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal (Derry), Fr Fidelis and two brothers. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be celebrated at the summit.
The purpose of the climb is to assist in creating awareness of the need for ongoing protection for the life of the unborn. From the moment of conception, every human being is unique, individual and unrepeatable. To interrupt the process of development of the unborn at any stage, is the taking of Innocent Human life
For our pro-life colleagues from abroad Croagh Patrick, which is situated near Westport in Co Mayo in the west of Ireland is one of the most important pilgrimage sites in Ireland and attracts up to 1m. visitors annually, mostly pilgrims. For most pilgrims who visit Croagh Patrick, especially on Reek Sunday the last Sunday in July, the pilgrimage to the top of the sacred mountain is an act of penance and many climb barefoot.
Participants are encouraged to wear Pro-Life T-Shirts or other distinctive pro-life insignia as a witness but are also advised to wear appropriate foot wear, to come equipped with suitable rainwear and are also advised to ensure they have adequate hydration for the duration of the climb.
For further information contact Hilary Mc Bride at 0876311381 or by e-mail to hilarymacbride@yahoo.co.uk