The Sixty-sixth World Health Assembly is taking place from
20 to 28 May 2013 in the United Nations, Palais des Nations Geneva. The Health
Assembly, which is the annual general meeting of the World Health Organisation,
this year, is discussing health topics like noncommunicable diseases, universal
health coverage, women and children’s health, and is monitoring the
achievements of the Millennium Development Goals.
Archbishop Zygmunt Zimowski (above), Head of the Delegation
of the Holy See to the 66th World Health Assembly, addressed the Assembly.
During his address, the archbishop was referring to efforts 'being made to save
the lives of millions of women and children who continue to die every year from
conditions that can easily be prevented with existing medical commodities' when
he turned his fire on the morning-after pill."
Archbishop Zimonski said:
While indeed some of the recommendations [in Resolution EB132.R4] are truly life-saving, that of "emergency contraception" can hardly be labeled as such since it is well known that, when conception already has occurred, certain substances used in “emergency contraception” produce an abortifacient effect. For my delegation, it is totally unacceptable to refer to a medical product that constitutes a direct attack on the life of the child in utero as a “life-saving commodity” and, much worse, to encourage “increasing use of such substances in all parts of the world."
It is good to hear the Holy See speaking out boldly on this
fundamental issue. Women are entitled to the truth - and the Catholic Church is
serving the best interests of women, chidren and families worldwide, when it
proclaims the truth fearlessly on abortion and abortifacient products in world