This practice however is completely unethical in that living
human embryos are being deliberately brought into being and then destroyed in
the process of stem cell production.
The study, published in the journal Cell says the methods used
were similar to those used by Ian
Wilmut to clone Dolly the sheep in the UK.
According to the reports the cloned embryos were used as a
source of stem cells, which, according to the report, can in theory make new
heart muscle, bone, brain tissue or any other type of cell in the body. Major problems have been experienced in
the past however in the manipulation of embryonic stem cells in mice, resulting
in cancerous growths where the stem cells were injected.
The United Nations General Assembly in 2005 approved an International Convention
against this kind of research in which it called on all member states to
“prohibit all forms of human cloning inasmuch as they are incompatible with
human dignity and the protection of human life. (A/59/516/Add.1)
This kind of research known as therapeutic cloning is not only unethical it is unsafe and is also unnecessary because of the significant progress made in recent years in the production of adult stem cells and their use in treating many ailments.
This kind of research known as therapeutic cloning is not only unethical it is unsafe and is also unnecessary because of the significant progress made in recent years in the production of adult stem cells and their use in treating many ailments.
Some adult/umbilical cord stem cell treatments are now used
in routine clinical practice. But most remain experimental. For example, trials
are currently underway in human patients with "severe" multiple sclerosis
using the patients' own blood stem cells. After three years, the study
reported, adult stem cells were "able to induce a prolonged clinical
stabilization in severe progressive MS patients," meaning the disease
stopped advancing, "resulting in both sustained treatment-free periods and
quality-of-life improvements."
Another area of great hope for adult stem cell therapy comes from using a patient's olfactory tissues, found in the nasal cavity, to treat paralysis caused by spinal cord injury. Peer-reviewed animal studies previously highlighted great potential for this technique. For example, olfactory tissues have "promoted partial restoration of function" in paralyzed rats.
This new report follows a number of previous bogus claims
that stem cells have been produced by SCNT, the most infamous one being that
made by the disgraced South Korean scientist, Hwang Woo-suk, who also claimed to have created
stem cells from cloned human embryos, but was found to have faked the evidence.
Another area of great hope for adult stem cell therapy comes from using a patient's olfactory tissues, found in the nasal cavity, to treat paralysis caused by spinal cord injury. Peer-reviewed animal studies previously highlighted great potential for this technique. For example, olfactory tissues have "promoted partial restoration of function" in paralyzed rats.
Similar reports are repeated with such regularity that they
have now almost become a mantra: "Embryonic stem cells" we are told "offer the most promise
for finding cures" for degenerative diseases and conditions such as
Parkinson's disease and spinal cord injury. Continually repeating something
however doesn't make it true and time will tell whether this new claim is
actually real or another bogus claim in order to attract funding for the
unethical research.