Two votes were taken on amendments but since all of the
proposed amendments have not been disposed the debate adjourned at 4.57am and
will resume at 6pm this evening.
The Dáil has now disposed of the first 10 of the 165 proposed
While the amendments were debated in themed groups, they are
voted on in numerical order.
During the debate Independent TD Mattie McGrath told the
House two provisions in the bill cannot be put before the house,
constitutionally and it is expected that in due course more will be heard about
this assertion.
In the only votes taken so far, Minister Lucinda Creighton
who spoke strongly against the suicide provisions within the bill during the
debate and is ultimately expected to vote against the legislation actually voted
with the Government. we will report more fully on her intervention later.
The first amendment tabled by Minister Creighton is number
22, which was not reached by the 5am adjournment deadline.