Dr Reilly also criticised Senator Walsh for his graphic
descriptions of abortion techniques which he claimed were not being used in
Irish hospitals and would not be used.
"I find it regrettable that Senator Walsh has engaged
in dramatic – and what some people would describe as offensive and upsetting –
descriptions of procedures which do not take place in this country and will not
be taking place in this country," he said.
Despite the fact that Senator Walsh had also been criticised
by his own party leader Micheal Martin for giving graphic descriptions of
abortion techniques during the Seanad debate on the abortion bill last week, he
was unrepentant
"I have no intention of sanitising my language on any
stage of the debate so as to facilitate the passage of horrific practices into
law," he said.
Senator Walsh was supported in his stance by his Fianna Fail
colleague Senator Marc MacSharry and Independent Senator Ronan Mullen, who
pointed out that the Seanad debate was not "children's television".
Dr Reilly also clashed with Senator Ronan Mullen who said
the legislation showed ta profound disrespect for life, “I utterly reject
that," he said.