The 1861 Offences Against the Person Act is
a law enshrined by an Irish government contained in the Health Act 1979, Article 10: Nothing in
this Act shall be construed as authorization -
(A) the obtaining of abortion,
(B) the doing of any other thing the doing
of which is prohibited by section 58 or 59 of the Offences against the Person,
1861 (which section prohibits the administration of drugs or using instruments
to procure abortion or the provision of drugs or instruments to procure
(C) the sale, import into the State,
manufacture, advertising or display of abortifacients
Dana says that the proposed
decriminalization of abortion, by the Irish Government 2013 abortion Bill, and
abandonment of the only Statue law protecting life from the moment of
existence, (the 1861 Offenses Against the Person Act sections 58 and 59), has
been clearly identified for removal and opening the way to abortion as a Human
During the recent hearings in Dublin of the
Committee on Health formed to discuss the Bill, Ivana Bacic, Irish senator, said: "I'm glad it was
stressed that the decriminalization could be achieved through the repeal of
sections 58 and 59 of the Offences against the person;
"Dr. Rhona Mahony, the National
Maternity Hospital, said:" It 'was in 1861 that crimes against the person,
in particular sections 58 and 59, ruled that abortion was a crime in Ireland;
Ms Orla O Connor of the National Women's
Council of Ireland said" "the penal provisions of the law are an
important factor for chilling ...
"Jacinta Fay Choice Ireland
said," we recommend the repeal of sections 58 and 59 of that Act "
Ms Ailbhe Smyth Action X said," With
her colleagues [Choice Ireland] and
[National Council of Women of 'Ireland] Action X asks the immediate
repeal of sections 58 and 59 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861,
She went on to say," we agree with the
opinion of the European Court of Human Rights and Dr. Rhona Mahony that
chilling effect that the 1861 law is a significant barrier to women. "
This 1861 & enshrined 1979 law is a pro-life all Island law of
Ireland, which combines the Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland in the
fight against abortion. Malta, like Ireland, also makes abortion a criminal
offense. The Atorney General for Northern Ireland, John F Larkin QC, said
October 16, 2012 that "abortion in Northern Ireland is a matter governed
by the law ... criminal abortion in Northern Ireland is a criminal offense. .
Dana pointed out that Irish politicians have
both a duty and a right, under Article 10 of the European Convention on Human
Rights ["The right of citizens to express freely their convictions and
opinions"] and Article 40 . 6. 1 of the Irish Constitution, ["The
State guarantees liberty for the exercise of the following rights, subject to
public order and morality:"] to ensure the freedom of expression with
regard to the proposed Bill 2,013 Irish abortion.
Dana says that the Irish people, who are
sovereign, should not be reduced to a state of "lobby group" and we
have already rejected abortion in three referendums. The Irish people must not be crushed or
secularized out of the public square by a new moral order that seeks to impose
its authority.
Dana commented on the uniqueness of
the Irish Constitution which
states in its preamble:
the Name of the Most Holy Trinity, from Whom is all authority and to whom, as
our final end, all actions of men and States must be referred,
the people of Ireland,
acknowledging all our obligations to our Divine Lord, Jesus Christ, who
suffered our fathers through centuries of trial,
with gratitude their heroic and unremitting struggle to regain the rightful
independence of our Nation,
trying to promote the common good, in respect of Prudence, Justice and Charity,
so that the dignity and freedom of the individual may be assured, true social
order attained, the unity of our country restored, and concord established with
the other nations,
adopt, enact, and give to ourselves this Constitution.
Dana also refers to Article 6 of the Irish
"All the powers of government,
legislative, executive and judicial, derive, under God, from the people, whose
right it is to designate the rulers of the state and, ultimately, to decide all
questions of national policy, according to the needs of the common good."
Article 40 ° 3.3 of Ireland’s Constitution
"The State acknowledges the right to
life of the unborn and, with due regard to the equal right to life of the
mother, guarantees in its laws to respect, and, as far as possible, by its laws
to defend and vindicate this law. "
Article 44.2. 1 of Ireland’s Constitution
"freedom of conscience and the free
profession and practice of religion are, subject to public order and morality,
guaranteed to every citizen."
Article 46. 2. Of Ireland’s Constitution
"Any proposal to amend the
Constitution shall be initiated in Dáil Éireann as a Bill, and, upon having
been passed or deemed passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas, be submitted by
Referendum to the decision of the people in accordance with the law for the
time being in regulations relating to the referendum. "
Dana says that the unique role that the
Irish Constitution gives in the protection of life from the moment of its
existence must not be set aside and that abortion must not be decriminalised.
Politicians, Statesmen and the legal system
have a duty to be courageous and effective in their defence and promotion of
the sanctity of Human Life – the foundation of all other Human Rights.