The passing of this pro-abortion legislation is to be
deplored and we put the Irish Government on notice that the pro-life people of
Ireland will work without ceasing to have this anti-life legislation overturned
as soon as possible no matter what it takes, commencing with an immediate legal
challenge to its constitutionality.
The Parliamentary debates of both the lower and upper houses
of the Oireachtas (Irish Parliament) were long and arduous and a small number
of heroic deputies on all sides of the two chambers were seen to stand head and
shoulders over their party colleagues, in some cases even defying the party
whip and voting in accordance with their consciences, despite the consequences.
The passing of the legislation however raises a number of
questions, which will have to be carefully pondered by the pro-life community
in the continuing war against the unborn.
- WHY is it that the current Irish government will only listen to the pro-abortion agenda
- WHY is the Irish print and broadcasting media so biased against unborn life and persist in championing abortion and pushing it at every opportunity
- WHY does the government ignore and dismiss the pro-life voice and paint it as extremist
- WHY does the Government ignore the vast numbers of Irish men and women who voted with their feet and attended the various pro-life vigils and rallies ranging from 10,000 in December and rising to 25,000 in January, 40,000 in June and finally around 60,000 in July
- WHY does the Government believe they can ignore the majority without facing future consequences.
There are also some questions about how Ireland came to be
in this position in the first place. The pro-life community know for example that it was brought about as a
result of sustained pressure from both national and international pro-abortion
organisations such as the Irish Family Planning Association which is a branch
of International Planned Parenthood (IPPF) the largest abortion provider in the
- How for example did three women who did not know one another one being a non-national get together to take a case against the Irish Government to the European Court Of Human Rights (ECtHR) in order to force this change in Ireland’s laws
- Who financed them in taking this case against the Irish Government the ECtHR
- How were the grounds for taking the case prepared and by whom.
- How was the European Convention on Human Rights subverted in reaching the decision in the A,B and C case and real justice denied in the ECtHR
- What other international pro-abortion organizations were behind the outright attack on Ireland’s pro-life laws.