Monday, April 30, 2012

VII World Meeting of Families Milan

The Pontifical Council for the Family has arranged the VII World meeting of Families to be held in Milan from May 30th to June 3rd. The conference will include a meeting with Pope Benedict XVI on Saturday 2nd June.

The conference is titled "The Family, Work and Celebration" the three words of the theme for the Seventh World Meeting of Families. They make up a trinomial that starts from the family and opens up to the world: work and celebration are ways in which the family inhabits the social “space” and lives human “time”. The theme links the man-woman couple with its lifestyles: the way of living relationships (the family), inhabiting the world (work), and humanizing time (celebration).

According to the conference website the three aspects in the title of the conference, family, work and celebration will be introduced by a catechesis on family lifestyle. They aim at shedding light on the connection between the family’s experience and daily life in society and the world.
The secret of Nazareth
The family generates life
The family is put to the test
The family animates society
Work and celebration in the family
Work, a resource for the family
Work, a challenge for the family
Celebration, a time for the family
Celebration, a time for the Lord
Celebration, a time for the community

LINK to conference programme

Pope Benedict XVI following his announcement the conference during his Mexican trip issued the following letter

Letter of the Pope

At the end of the Sixth World Meeting of Families in Mexico City in January 2009, I announced that the next Meeting of Catholic families from all over the world would take place with the Successor of Peter in Milan in 2012 on the theme "The Family: Work and Celebration". Now wishing to begin the preparations for this important event, I am glad to announce that, God willing, it will take place from 30 May to 3 June. At the same time I will provide further details concerning the theme and the arrangements.

Work and celebration are closely connected with the lives of families: they condition decisions, influence relations between spouses and between parents and children and affect the relationship of the family with society and with the Church. Sacred Scripture (cf. Gen 1-2) tells us that the family, work and holidays are gifts and blessings to help us to live a fully human life.

Daily experience shows that the authentic development of the person includes both the individual, family and community dimensions and functional activities and relations, as well as openness to hope and to unlimited Good.

In our day, unfortunately, the organization of work, conceived of and implemented in terms of market competition and the greatest profit, and the conception of a holiday as an opportunity to escape and to consume commodities, contribute to dispersing the family and the community and spreading an individualistic lifestyle. It is therefore necessary to promote reflection and commitment which aim at reconciling the needs and schedule of work with those of the family.

They must also aim at recovering the true meaning of celebration, especially on Sunday, the weekly Easter, the day of the Lord and the day of man, the day of the family, of the community and of solidarity.

The upcoming World Meeting of Families affords a privileged opportunity to rethink work
and celebration in the perspective of a family that is united and open to life, thoroughly integrated in society and in the Church, attentive to the quality of relationship in addition to the economy of the family nucleus itself. The event, to be truly fruitful, must not, therefore, remain isolated, but must fit into an adequate process of ecclesial and cultural preparation.

I therefore hope that during 2011, the 30th anniversary of the Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris Consortio, the "magna carta" of the pastoral care of families, a worthwhile journey may be undertaken, promoting initiatives at parish, diocesan and national levels, which aims to shed light on experiences of work and of celebration in their truest and most positive aspects, with particular concern for their effect on the practical life of families. May Christian families and ecclesial communities of the whole world therefore feel challenged and involved, and set out promptly on their way towards "Milan 2012".

The Seventh World Meeting, like the previous ones will last for five days and will culminate with the "Feast of Testimonies" on Saturday evening and with solemn Mass on Sunday morning.

These two celebrations, at both of which I shall preside, will be a gathering of the "family of families". The overall event will be especially arranged to ensure that the various dimensions complement each other: community prayer, theological and pastoral reflection, moments of brotherhood and exchanges between guest families and those that live in the area, as well as media coverage.

From this moment may the Lord reward St Ambrose' Archdiocese of Milan with heavenly favours for its generous availability and commitment to organization, at the service of the universal Church and of families from so many nations.

As I invoke the intercession of the Holy Family of Nazareth, dedicated to daily work and assiduous in celebrating the feasts of its people, I warmly impart the Apostolic Blessing to you Venerable Brother and to your collaborators and with special affection willingly extend it to all the families involved in the preparation of the important Meeting in Milan.

From Castel Gandolfo, 23 August 2010
Benedict XVI

Friday, April 27, 2012

Chen Guangcheng escapes from house arrest

Christian Newswire reports that Leading activist, He Peirong told Women’s Rights Without Frontiers (WRCF) that blind forced abortion opponent Chen Guangcheng has escaped house arrest. 

Yaxue Cao, a key Chinese human rights activist who has been advocating on behalf of Chen Guangcheng, told WRWF that she spoke with Chen's nephew, Chen Kegui who told her that his mother had overheard guards saying that Chen Guangcheng had "disappeared" from his home, where he had been under strict house arrest. Neither villagers nor family members knew where he was.

He Peirong also told WRWF that she helped Chen escape to an undisclosed location outside of Shandong. She said that his health is stable, but she fears he is in danger. She also stated that the fate of Chen's wife, mother, daughter and son may be in jeopardy as well. 

A further alarming development is that on the night of Thursday, April 26, Chen's brother (Kegui's father) was also seized by a band of thugs, led by Zhang Jian (the head of the township). Kegui defended his parents using kitchen knives and injured the thugs, who ran away. Kegui then walked outside the village to surrender himself to the police. As he was standing outside the village, he told Cao that he fears for the lives of Chen Guangcheng and his family, and for his own life. 

Reggie Littlejohn, President of Women's Rights Without Frontiers, said, "We are grateful that Chen is no longer under house arrest, but we are concerned about his safety and that of his family. We call upon Secretary of State Hillary Clinton specifically to raise Chen's case during her visit to Beijing May 3-4. Indeed, we call upon the entire international diplomatic community to make urgent, official interventions on behalf of Chen with the Chinese government. We call upon NGOs and concerned citizens the world over strongly to support this great hero during his hour of need." 

Kegui also told Cao that he has seen Chen Guangcheng only twice since Guangcheng was put under house arrest. When Guangcheng's other brother died in February of this year, Chen burst out of the house but was forcibly returned by dozens of guards. Also, early in 2011, several relatives were allowed to visit Chen briefly during the Chinese New Year. 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

World Congress of Families May 25-27th

In case you have not heard of the World Congress of Families… This is the inter-confessional gathering of  pro-family scholars, leaders and activists from all over the world.  This year  it will be held in Madrid.
You will meet people who have been taking active part for years in the cultural battle in favor of the family.  You can now register for the World Congress of Families VI – Madrid 2012, which will be held in Madrid from 25 to 27 May.  
The World Congress of Families is one of the most important gatherings of pro-life and pro-family experts and leaders. Organized by more than 30 civic entities from five continents, including Spain's, the Congress has been held at Prague (1997), Geneva (1999), Mexico City (2004), Warsaw (2007) and Amsterdam (2009). 
If marriage, the family and the right to life matter to you; if you believe that only a society with values will be in a position to emerge strengthened from the current  crisis; if you wish to learn of the ideas and initiatives that are driving a rebirth of the family in the world: if you wish to listen to and converse with the best specialists in the promotion of the family and the right to life, don´t miss being with your family at the VI World Congress of Families, in Madrid from 25th to the  27th of this coming May.  

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Croagh Patrick: Annual climb for life

The annual Climb For Life – a climb of Croagh Patrick, Co. Mayo to increase awareness of the right to life from conception until natural death will take place on Saturday, 5th of May, 2012.

The Climb, which is an annual event, will commence at 9.45am with Rosary at Our Lady's Grotto at the base of the mountain. Fr. Maurice Colgan OP will lead the climb and Mass will be celebrated in St. Patrick’s oratory at the top of Croagh Patrick.

Members of the public, pro-life individuals and organisations and prayer groups are very welcome and encouraged to participate.     
Walkers are advised to bring good footwear, raingear and drinking water.  All are welcome.

For more information about the climb telephone (087) 6311 381 or email

Monday, April 23, 2012

Sex selection and designer babies

Controversial adverts from a U.S. fertility clinic offering 'illegal' sex selective IVF have sparked outrage. 

The Washington Centre for Reproductive Medicine has created the ads with a picture of a young ethnic boy and girl in traditional Indian dress, under the heading ‘Create the family you want: Boy or girl’.
The Bellevue, Washington, clinic's ad was published in the print edition of the weekly Indo-Canadian Voice paper, and on the publication's website, despite the process of sex selection being illegal in Canada.

For further information see Daily Mail report on this link

Friday, April 20, 2012

Further report on defeat of proabortion bill in Ireland

 We reported yesterday on the defeat of the pro-abortion bill in the Irish Parliament.

During the debate some deputies made important pro-life interventions one of which is reprinted in full below. This intervention was made by the Independent Deputy Mattie Mc Grath

I am pleased to be able to speak to the Bill today. I compliment all speakers to date. I watched the entire debate last night. Every elected Member is entitled to come to the House. It is incumbent on Members to come to the House and voice the views they hold on this very difficult and delicate issue. It has been a passionate issue during the past 25 years and long beforehand. It is not black and white and it is remarkably difficult for all involved, especially for the women, sometimes young women, and their partners, close family and friends.

I welcome the fact that the Government has set up the expert group. I am fundamentally and totally opposed to abortion except in extremely necessary cases which are life-threatening. This much is already in legislation.

There are 14 members in the expert group. We must all hope, believe and have faith in the ability of the group to examine thoroughly the implications of the cases with which they must deal. Those involved are suitably qualified and they were appointed on the basis of their qualifications. They must deal with the terms of reference of the A, B and C v. Ireland case under the chairmanship of Mr. Justice Seán Ryan. We should wait until the report is issued and then hold a further reasonable and continued debate if necessary.

The life of the mother already takes precedence and rightly so. It is an emotive issue now, as it has always been. I thank the many people who contacted me from throughout the country and I thank those of all views who have contacted all of us. It is important that they contact us and that we respectfully listen to all sides.

I have spoken to medical experts and listened carefully to the contributions of Deputy Tom Barry and others. The unfortunate reality is that there have been and can be incorrect diagnoses. It was heart-rending to hear about the case to which the Deputy referred. We cannot open the floodgates in regard to abortion. Every child is special and a precious gift from God. I was quite taken aback at Deputy Clare Daly’s reference to this Bill in the context of the Social Welfare and Pensions Bill. There is no comparison whatsoever to be made in that regard.

The sponsors of the Private Members’ Bill argue that the State is obliged to legislate for abortion on foot of the recent judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in A, B and C v. Ireland. That position is entirely false. The judgment does not require Ireland to introduce legislation for abortion. On the contrary, it fully respects the entitlement of the Irish people to determine legal policy on protecting the life of the unborn. The legislation we are discussing is based on the 1992 Supreme Court decision in the X case. Although my colleagues and I in the Technical Group work together, we all have different views on issues and can speak and vote as we wish. As such, I intend to oppose this Bill.

Any revisiting of the X case decision must take on board the evidence from new studies that abortion involves significant risk for women. In fact, the evidence over the past 20 years contradicts many of the medical assumptions on which that decision was made. On the basis of current medical evidence alone, it would be irresponsible to introduce legislation in accordance with the ruling in the X case. To do so would put at risk the life of the mother as well as ending that of the unborn child. The suggestion that pregnant women are denied necessary medical treatment because of the pro-life ethos in this country is simply untrue. In fact, Ireland is a world leader when it comes to the safety of pregnant women. For example, the latest United Nations report on the safety of mothers during pregnancy found that of all 172 countries for which estimates were given, Ireland is out in front. We have a great many problems in our health service, but this is a wonderful achievement.

Supporters of the Bill seem to be wilfully disregarding this important evidence. Many of those pushing for abortion act as though they alone speak for women going through unwanted pregnancies. However, the research from which they quote and the persons on whose behalf they choose to speak are quite selective. To be fair, that is probably true of both sides in this argument. The supporters of this proposal certainly do not speak for the thousands of women who contemplated taking their advice but changed their mind and now cannot believe they ever considered taking the life of the children they adore. We have heard from people in that situation and we see how brave they are. Nor do the supporters of this proposal speak for the thousands of women who took their advice and now deeply regret the decision to have an abortion. The emergence of groups such as Women Hurt further undermines the pro-choice claim that there are no negative consequences of abortion. Of course there are negative consequences, as there are with most decisions.

This Bill is premature in a context in which the expert group is already at work. I accept that there was a vacuum for a long time and that successive Governments failed to address it. We are dealing with a very difficult issue and I would be the first to admit that women are more entitled to speak about it and more likely to understand all of the issues than I ever could be. I am merely doing my humble best to represent my own views to this Parliament. It is incumbent on me to do so and, as such, I will be voting against the Bill.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Pro- abortion bill defeated in Ireland

The  Dail (Irish Parliament) has rejected a pro-abortion Private Members’ Bill, tabled by the Socialist Party together with some Independent TD’s. The Medical Treatment (Termination of Pregnancy in Case of Risk to Life of Pregnant Women) Bill 2012  was defeated by 111 votes to 20 but gives rise to concern about future Government intentions.
The Bill falsely created the impression that women in Ireland are being denied necessary medical treatments in pregnancy because of the absence of abortion and had it passed had the potential to legalize abortion up to birth in cases where a woman's life is in danger, or if she is threatening suicide.  It would have allowed a doctor to perform an abortion, without a woman's consent and for underage girls without parental consent.

The bill also sought to limit conscientious objection and to imprison pro-life groups or individuals who engage in sidewalk counseling.

Clare Daly TD, who tabled the private members Bill conceded before the debate that abortion is not a medical necessity, and she implied that the use of the term “Medical” in her Bill is her way of seeking to move the issue forward but that her ultimate intention is to have abortion on demand. According to Daly 
This is an issue of women’s rights to control their own bodies. Forcing women to continue with pregnancies arising from rape, or carrying to full term a foetus that will die upon birth is an abuse.
Minister for Health Dr James Reilly rejected the Bill on the grounds that the House should await the report of an expert group on the matter.  Dr Reilly also stated that the bill “goes some way towards addressing the A, B and C v. Ireland judgment,” but said “the Government is clear that in its current form it cannot be accepted because it is lacking in certain legal respects”. The problems he identified related to the consent provisions in section 6 of the bill. 
“Issues of presumed consent are among those being examined by the expert group, and they require the most careful scrutiny to ensure they are compatible with the Constitution”.
The other concern the minister highlighted related to the offences provisions in section 7, which would  criminalise any group or individual that sought to impede a woman seeking an abortion. This, he said, is another matter that is being considered by the expert group. 

A number of deputies spoke in favour of life, most notably Mattie Mc Grath Independent, Tom Barry (Fine Gael), Tony Mc Loughlin Fine Gael and Eamonn of Cuiv (Fianna Fail).

Sinn Fein deputies all claimed to be against abortion but then declared that this was subject to exceptions such as rape and incest.
Minister of State for Health Roisín Shortall thanked Ms Daly for tabling the Bill and reiterated Government commitment to what she termed the “expeditious implementation’’ of the European Court of Human Rights judgement in the A,B and C case. Ms Shortall told the Dail that she agreed with those who were critical of the fact that the issue had not been addressed by previous governments but that it was unfair to criticise the current Government, given that an expert group had been set up and legislation would be introduced in accordance with its recommendations.
“As soon as the expert group reports at the end of June, the Government is absolutely committed to taking action in this area,”

There was a clear divide in the debate with many Fine Gael deputies expressing pro-life views while others were pro-abortion.  Labour Party deputies voted against the Bill despite the fact that many expressed support for the measure and also despite the fact that the Party at its annual conference last week approved a motion in favour of legislating abortion.

Pro-lifers were suspicious of the timing of this measure bearing in mind that the Government had already appointed the expert group. There is a perception that this was a deliberate "stalking horse" to open up the issue in advance of the debate which will ensue when the expert group report and Government decide to act.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Young Slovakian Sculptor Captures Post-Abortion Pain, Mercy and Forgiveness

Dan Zeidler has circulated this powerful image together with the following explanation.
As an art student, Martin Hudáček of Slovakia was moved to create a sculpture to draw attention to the devastation abortion can bring to the woman, and that through the Love and Mercy of God, reconciliation and healing are possible.
The sculpture shows a woman in great sorrow grieving her abortion. The second figure in the work is the aborted child, presented as a young child, who in a very touching, healing way, comes to the mother, to offer forgiveness.
Martin, who named the work “Memorial for Unborn Children,” said the sculpture also “expresses hope which is given to believers by the One who died on the cross for us, and showed how much He cares about all of us.”
Praised by many as an extremely effective representation of post-abortion trauma, the work sensitively communicates this reality, and draws out many emotions and interpretations.
Dr. Martha Shuping, M.D., a psychiatrist with more than 20 years experience in helping women with abortion recovery, says, "I believe this beautiful image will resonate in the hearts of many women who have had abortions. It illustrates powerfully their experience.”
"This presents a very beautiful image of a core component of post abortion healing,” comments Kevin Burke, LSW, of Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries, “- that the very child that was lost to abortion with God's grace is now instrumental in calling the wounded mother and father to repentance and healing in Christ."
Julie Thomas of Atlanta, who has personally experienced abortion and is now active with the Operation Outcry post-abortion program, commented, “I love that the little girl is not a baby - we often talk about that during our Bible study and for some reason a lot of us believe that when we get to Heaven that our children will be a toddler as the child is here. I also like the child being ‘transparent’ almost angel-like in appearance. The mother appears to be in anguish which is so very real. I love that the child is reaching out to touch the mother's head. I can imagine the mother sensing the touch and believe that she will stand up, taller than before. I believe that this image is very strong and touching, possibly leading to the first step of healing for the mother who has aborted her children.”
A Latin American post-abortive woman, Michelle, who was helped in the healing process by the Proyecto Esperanza (Project Hope) program says the sculpture “is simple...marvelous. I got emotional and I stopped to take the time to look at it...I felt many things...the woman with all her pain being concentrated in her face held in her hands. Shame is also conveyed...And the daughter who blesses her, reaching up to touch her, to me indicates the height of forgiveness, the height of that child’s forgiveness, through the love of God. The transparency of the child means she comes from a pure place. It talks to me of the forgiveness we feel after we have worked through the grief... Precious...really precious.”
“I find this a heart-rending sculpture,” says experienced post-abortion retreat leader, Fr. William Kurz, S.J. of Marquette University in Milwaukee. “It’s a message of forgiveness and healing needed by the grieving post-abortive mother even some years after her abortion ... It speaks directly and beautifully both to the intense and profound grief of the mother, and to the dignity of the aborted baby.”
Several people interviewed for this article stressed that promoting this powerful image should also be accompanied by referral possibilities for anyone who senses they need help and reconciliation. For that reason, it is recommended that contact information be included for programs such as Project Rachel ( and Rachel’s Vineyard (
Marek Hudáček, brother of Martin, says both he and his brother were extremely surprised by the positive reactions from all over the world to the sculpture, “We did not expect it... The main intention of my brother to do the sculpture was not to be famous, but to speak about the important value of human life and the necessity to protect it from conception.”
For more information, and to download a mini-poster with this image, go to:
Dan Zeidler is president of Family Life Council, Inc., ,

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

EU tax payers money funding world's largest abortion providers

European Dignity Watch at the end of March launched a new report on funding of abortion through EU tax payer’s money. The report shows: although it’s neither an EU competence nor backed by EU law, the European Commission collaborates closely and in numerous projects with the two world’s largest abortion providers: International Planned Parenthood Federation and Marie Stopes International.

The objective of this report is to document how IPPF and MSI have been receiving, and continue to receive funding from the European Union’s Development Aid and Public Health budgets for projects related to “sexual and reproductive health” (SRH).

The term “sexual and reproductive health” as defined by the EU excludes abortion explicitly.
Both organizations, however, are known to consider abortion to be a core service related to “sexual and reproductive health” – a service which they have made it their mission to offer on a large scale worldwide.
“This raises questions”, says Sophia Kuby, Executive Director of European Dignity Watch: “Are the EU’s budgets for Development Aid and Public Health used to finance abortions in developing countries? Is this attributable to negligence, or is it done deliberately? If done deliberately: is this legal? If a result of negligence: what are the consequences for such a misuse of European budgets and what could be done to prevent such misuse in the future?”
These and more questions were raised today at the European Parliament and several MEPs offered their support to get the European Commission to answer them and stop controversial and unlawful funding on a policy area where there is neither competence nor consensus.  
“This is a misuse of tax payer’s money and we are determined to hold the European Commission accountable for it”, concludes Sophia Kuby.
The public event was part of the “Week for Life” and was organized by MEP Konrad Szymanski and co-organised by MEPs Anna Zaborska, Gay Mitchell, Jan Olbrycht, Nirj Deva, Martin Kastler as well as COMECE. MEPs and the audience followed with great interest and attention the presentation of the findings of more than one year of research. The report entitled The Funding of Abortion Through EU Development Aid – An Analysis of EU’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Policy provides an in-depths analysis of the legal limitations of the EU to fund abortion, compares it with the aggressive pro-abortion agendas of both IPPF and MSI and provides figures and numbers of numerous projects carried out by these organizations and funded by the European Commission.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Pro-abortion bill to come before Irish Parliament this week

The pro-abortion PRIVATE MEMBER'S BILL tabled by Socialist Party TD Clare Daly, which will come before the Dail (Irish Parliament) this week, proposes to overturn Ireland’s constitutional protection of the unborn, and to imprison pro-life counselors.
The so-called Medical Treatment Bill if passed would legalize abortion up to birth in cases where the woman's life is in danger, or if she is threatening suicide. This bill, which is more radical than the 1967 UK Abortion Act, would even allow doctors to perform an abortion without a woman's consent and allow abortions on underage girls without their parents' or guardian's consent. It also places limitations on conscientious objection as it seeks to force doctors to refer women for abortion.
The Bill attacks democratic freedoms by targeting pro-life groups or individuals who engage in sidewalk counseling. The bill would make it an offense to talk to a woman going for an abortion with the intention of encouraging her to change her mind, imposing prison terms of up to a year and fines of up to £2000.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Pro-life protest in Dublin in opposition to private members bill which seeks to introduce abortion

A large group of pro-lifers, organised by Youth Defence gathered outside Leinster house, the Dail (Irish Parliament) in Kildare Street yesterday Thursday April 12th
This event took place ahead of a debate scheduled for the Dáil on a Private Members Bill, which seeks to legalise abortion, tabled by Socialist Party TD Clare Daly and independent deputy Mick Wallace.

The following statement was issued by Irish Media Review (IMR).
This Bill is being put before the Dáil this week by the Socialist Party TD, Clare Daly. It supersedes the more honestly-named Abortion Bill, and appears to be in anticipation of a similar approach by the Labour Party.

The proposed Socialist Party Bill was discussed recently at a public meeting at the Gresham Hotel. A speaker at the top table was the SBP columnist, Mr Vincent Browne. His comments left little doubt as to where he stood in his support of the proposals.

However, Vincent Browne must surely be aware that:

Abortion is not medical treatment. Women in Ireland are not denied genuine medical treatments during pregnancy. There is a need to distinguish between an attack on the child, and the life–saving medical treatment of mother and child.
The words "abortion" and "medical treatment" (in this context) are thus euphemisms for the deliberate taking of unborn human life (TUHL), more commonly known a murder.
The proposals have much to do with the consequences of sexual pleasure, and nothing to do with medical treatment.

Ireland, without abortion, is the safest place in the world for a mother to have a baby, according to the UN.
If the Socialist Party are serious in their attempt to exchange TUHL for lower standards in pregnancy, what exactly have they in mind to then say to pregnant mothers?

The European Court of Human Rights places Ireland under no obligation to legalise the deliberate taking of unborn human life.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Miracle of "stillborn baby" found alive after 12 hours in a coffin

Sky News reports that an investigation has begun in Argentina after an apparently stillborn baby girl was found alive - 12 hours after she was placed in a coffin for burial.
Photo shows baby's mother Analia Bouter

The parents of the girl, who was born three months premature, say they found she was still breathing when they went to the local morgue to say goodbye.

Analia Bouter said she never got a chance to look at her baby after the birth because she had been sedated by staff at the hospital in Chaco, northern Argentina

"At the time of birth I don't remember much because I was put to sleep," she said.

"Rather, they never showed me the baby."

Mother-of-five Analia Bouter said she was sedated at the hospital

Born at 10.24am, the infant was taken directly to the morgue after apparently being declared dead.

Mrs Bouter and her husband, Fabian Veron, later visited the morgue where they say they forced open the tiny coffin to look at their daughter.

"The baby was there and they put the little casket on a stretcher. We looked for a bar to prise it open. The casket was nailed shut," Mr Veron said.

"I started to prise, took a deep breath and took the top off. My wife was the first one to look at the body and she uncovered it slowly.

"She saw the little hand and then uncovered the face. That's when it let the first little cry out.

"My wife jumped back, like saying, 'This must be my imagination'."

The baby girl, born a week ago, was reported to be in stable condition on Tuesday.

The parents had originally planned on naming her Liliana Abigail but have instead called her Luz Milagros - which means Miracle's Light.

"I went back to look again and she was moving. So I started to uncover the face and it was like she was just getting up, waking up," Mr Veron said.

"And that's when the lady from the morgue grabbed her and brought her."

Little Luz Milagros is the couple's fifth child. Provincial health officials have confirmed they are investigating the incident.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Friday, April 6, 2012

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Last Supper


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Group of 13 NGO's Oppose the promotion of so called "new rights" by the Human Rights Council In Geneva

We reported on March 8th on the walkout by Ambassadors from the panel discussion  “Ending Violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and Gender Identity” We also reported that very few NGO's got to speak at the time except those is support of the creation of new rights. 
A statement was made however by Association of Communities of Pope John XXIII under Item 8 of the Human Rights Council agenda, on March 20th entitled "Toward preserving the Universality of Human Rights"  which was supported by group of 13 NGO's as follows 
The Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII joins with Caritas Internationalis, New Humanity, Association Points-Coeur, AVSI, International Association of Charities, OIDEL, Company of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, UNUM OMNES, World Youth Alliance and WUCWO in condemning any form of violence and discrimination such as that cited in the report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and reaffirm that the inherent dignity of each person must always be respected in word, in action and in law.

International law, if properly implemented and respected, already provides protection against discrimination for all. Inclusion of terms such as “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” into binding UN documents would amount to an unprecedented departure from the universal and objective foundation of the International Bill of Human Rights; the promotion of “new rights” for particular groups in society will threaten the universality of human rights as well as national sovereignty.

Such attempts would put into question the respect and protection for such foundational social institutions as the natural family, marriage, and the rights of the child, with particular adherence to the principle of the “best interests of the child”. Furthermore, it could result in the consequent weakening of other rights such as freedom of expression, freedom of religion, right to education, right to privacy and other cultural rights.

Recognizing the principle of subsidiarity, we maintain that issues of violence and discrimination are best addressed by integrating the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, into national and local laws and policies.

In conclusion, we appeal to this Council:

To promote and monitor the implementation, by all UN Member States, of legislation and policies that recognize and defend the inherent dignity of each and every human person and that sanction any discriminatory or violent behaviour towards them.

To safeguard the universality of human rights by avoiding pressure to define special categories or rights that go beyond those already articulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Stop Forced Abortion- China's one child policy

I recently met Reggie Littlejohn at a meeting in Washington DC and am a great admirer of the work she carries out on behalf of Chinese women in highlighting the one child policy. 

Reggie is President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, a non-partisan, international coalition to oppose forced abortion and human trafficking in China.  She is also an internationally acclaimed expert on China’s One Child Policy.  She has twice delivered an address at European Parliament in Brussels concerning the One-Child Policy.  Her first Address was included as a chapter in the book, “Human Rights in China After the Olympic Games,” (Human Rights Without Frontiers, 2009), now available on  In addition, she has briefed the White House and testified twice before Congress. Reggie also testified at the European, British and Irish Parliaments.

This video speaks for itself 

Monday, April 2, 2012

October Baby The Movie

This pro-life movie about a girl named Hannah is based on the story Gianna Jessen

"You saw me before I was born." Psalm 139:16 (NLT)

As the curtain rises, Hannah hesitantly steps onto the stage for her theatrical debut in college. Yet before she can utter her first lines, Hannah—unscripted—collapses in front of the stunned audience.

After countless medical tests, all signs point to one underlying factor: Hannah's difficult birth. This revelation is nothing compared to what she then learns from her parents: she was actually adopted … after a failed abortion attempt.

Bewildered, angered, and confused, Hannah turns for support to Jason, her oldest friend. Encouraged by his adventurous spirit, Hannah joins his group of friends on a Spring Break road trip, embarking on a journey to discover her hidden past … and find hope for her unknown future.

In the midst of her incredible journey, Hannah finds that life can be so much more than what you have planned.