It is with sadness that I watch the ongoing farce known as the Citizens' Assembly
and I have to ask myself how is it that the killing of babies can even be
contemplated let alone presented as an acceptable option by some members of our
Everyone knows that certain members of the Irish Government
are committed to changing the law but they are also keenly aware that a direct
decision to do so would have a disastrous effect on their chances of
re-election, hence the creation of the talking shop known as the Citizens
Assembly to ‘investigate’ the issues. The
obvious purpose of this is to create the pretence that they are acting on the
advice of the Assembly and are at arms length from the issue allowing them to claim that a new referendum is the will of the
It stands to reason that the Irish Government would not have appointed
such a body if they really believed that the killing of babies is unacceptable
and were intent on upholding the 8th Amendment.
To date the strategic direction of the Citizens’ Assembly
appears to the onlooker as being substantially pro-abortion with an occasional
nod towards the pro-life view.
The Assembly secretariat appear to have completely ignored
the fact that the current law upholds the right to life of the unborn which has
resulted in the development of a caring, 2 patient model for pregnancy and
childbirth. It also ignores the achievements of the 8th amendment
which include at least 100,000 additional citizens.
We have to ask how is it considered acceptable to introduce
people who make their living from the killing of babies to take part of our
national debate?
Patricia Lohr of BPAS for example, who infamously told a
London audience last September that killing children by abortion is “extremely
gratifying”, gave an address to the Assembly during its 3rd session.
This lady also published a paper on
which she chillingly tells us:
From a medical
perspective, this term refers to modalities to induce fetal demise (1).
Feticide is most commonly used for selective termination of higher order
gestations to twins or singletons. It is also used by some providers before
medical and surgical abortion in the second and third trimesters to avoid signs
of life at induction or in the belief that it makes the procedure easier and
safer. Several methods have been described including intra-cardiac injection of
potassium chloride, intra-amniotic injection of digoxin, and transection of the
umbilical cord (2). Older methods of medical abortion employed instillation of
hyperosmolar solutions such as urea, which also variably induced fetal demise.
The Assembly was also addressed by a representative of the
Guttmacher Institute – the research wing of Planned Parenthood which is the
largest abortion provider in the United States and throughout the world.
In recent decades we have witnessed a drift away from the
understanding of natural law which includes the prohibition on killing as set
out in the 5th Commandment to positive law which seeks to identify
and implement all sorts of trumped up individual rights, in the name of
liberty, regardless of the consequences of this approach. The twisted thinking
of the liberal left which denies the humanity of unborn babies is rooted in
Marxist ideology.
Shut down this unsatisfactory Assembly now.