The public response to this initiative was beyond all
expectation and has resulted in hundreds of people of all ages and from all
parts of Ireland taking part together with eight nominated individuals who have agreed fast, on a water
only fast for six periods of 9 days each.
There is a clear understanding that the current war on
the unborn is primarily a spiritual battle and that in addition to the
excellent work of all the pro-life organisations a spiritual battle consisting
of prayer and fasting is also an
essential element.
There are currently eight people committed to a fasting rota
for the 54 days and as we write this column on November 10th we have
reached the end of the first, very
successful, 9 day fast. The second 9 day fast which is being carried out by two
young men begins today.
Prior to the commencement of this initiative Patrick Buckley
spoke at meetings in Malahide, Navan and Mullingar stressing the importance of
a spiritual approach to defending unborn
life in Ireland by the defence of 8th Amendment and he gave details
of the Spiritual Crusade.
The spiritual crusade is a joint initiative
of European life Network (ELN) Human Life Ireland (HLI )and the Catholic Voice
Newspaper .