It is sad to realise that, worldwide, there are still many people who are not even remotely aware of the pro-abortion agenda of the current President of the United States, Barack Obama and his Secretary for State Hillary Clinton.
The passage of the‘healthcare’ bill was achieved only because President Obama promised to sign an order, in conjunction with the bill, that would ‘limit’ or ‘restrict’ funding for abortion already provided for in the bill. The major pro-life organisations in the US all say that the order is not worth the paper it is written on and as the mid-term elections approach it is expected that there will be a backlash against the Democrats for ignoring the will of the people.
The National Right to Life Committee issued a statement on the matter, as follows:
‘The National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) remains strongly opposed to the Senate-passed health bill (H.R.3590). A lawmaker who votes for this bill is voting to require federal agencies to subsidize and administer health plans that will pay for elective abortion, and voting to undermine longstanding pro-life policies in other ways as well. Pro-life citizens nationwide know that this is a pro-abortion bill. Pro-life citizens know, and they will be reminded again and again, which lawmakers deserve their gratitude for voting against this pro-abortion legislation.
‘The executive order promised by President Obama was issued for political effect. It changes nothing. It does not correct any of the serious pro-abortion provisions in the bill. The president cannot amend a bill by issuing an order, and the federal courts will enforce what the law says.
‘To elaborate: The order does not truly correct any of the seven objectionable pro-abortion provisions described in NRLC’s March 19 letter to the House of Representatives, which is posted here.
‘Prof. Destro clearly explains why it is the statutory language that will govern.
‘[…] The order does nothing at all to mitigate the other abortion-related problems described in the NRLC letter, dealing with bill provisions that create dangerous regulatory mandate authorities, revise Indian health programs, and create pools of directly appropriated funds that are not covered by existing restrictions on funding of abortion. Nor can the order correct the omission from the pending legislation of the necessary conscience-protection language that had been included in House-passed health care legislation last November (the “Weldon language”).
For additional information regarding the abortion-related components of the legislation, and NRLC’s assessment of the gravity of these issues, please refer to the March 19 letter linked above, and other materials posted on the NRLC website