A radical report on the right to “comprehensive sexuality education” aimed at sexualizing children from a very early age, will be discussed by the UN General Assembly (GA) in New York on Monday next October 25th. This report which was presented to the GA by Vernor Munoz as the final act of his term as UN special rapporteur on education appears to have been prepared by “the Latin American Committee for the Defence of Women’s Rights” Link to report
Mr. Munoz in submitting this report clearly exceeded his mandate by using his office and this report to promote the radical “sexual rights” agenda. The report is designed to try to establish a new international right to “comprehensive sexuality education” by claiming it already exists. He claims that all countries are already obligated by existing international agreements to provide explicit “sexual” education in their schools and argues that meeting these obligations requires governments to incorporate the elements of the radical sexual rights agenda in their school curricula.
Specifically, in the report Munoz states that he “considers that pleasure in an enjoyment of sexuality . . . should be one of the goals of comprehensive sexual education, abolishing guilt feelings about eroticism that restrict sexuality to the mere reproductive function.” With regard to HIV the report declares that “restricting sexual education to the issue of sexually transmitted diseases . . . may create an erroneous association between sexuality and disease, which is as harmful as associating it with sin.” The report further claims that this “right” can only be realized if children “receive comprehensive sexual education from the outset of our schooling.”
In other words, according to this report, children as young as five or possibly even preschoolers must be taught about their right to sexual pleasure.
With regard to religion, the report warns that in some cases “sexual education has been obstructed in the name of religious ideas” and then adds that “comprehensive education acts as a guarantor of a democratic and pluralistic environment.” The report also criticizes “barriers to sexual education, such as allowing parents to exempt their children from such education.”
So in other words, religions and parents should not interfere with the government’s supposed obligation to sexualize children in order to guarantee this “democratic and pluralistic environment”
The report discusses what helps young people “have better sexual lives, as if improving the sexual lives of youth is a valid goal of governments, and it strangely states that the “goal of education for sexuality” (which is significantly different from traditional sex education) is “to develop a transforming role for men by going beyond the strictly genital and physical aspect,” whatever that means.
The report cites the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) International Guidelines on Sexuality Education that calls for respect for “diversity of sexual orientations and identities” and cites a UN Committee ruling that governments are “required to ensure that sexual education programmes did not reinforce stereotypes or perpetuate prejudices regarding sexual orientation.”
The report also endorses the radical “Yogyakarta Principles”, which is the foundation document of the sexual rights movement, claiming that these Principles “have to be taken into account in education” because of its “inclusion of the diversity perspective.”
The report concludes by calling upon the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) to “investigate specific problems relating to barriers and challenges to effective enjoyment of the right to comprehensive sexual education” and for the UN Human Rights Council to question Member States during their periodic reviews before the committee about how they are ensuring the “enjoyment of the right to comprehensive sexual education.”