Eliane Gluckman, MD President, Eurocord, President ESH, pictured
The upcoming WORLD CORD BLOOD CONGRESS will cover a wide range of topics including cord blood transplant in adults and children, the role of HLA in cord blood transplant, stem cells, cord blood banking and regulatory issues. An international panel of distinguished scientists and clinicians will participate in this major international forum over three days of interactive conferencing. The scientific programme will comprise a series of plenary presentations and debates. Short oral communications selected from submitted abstracts will enable registered participants to present their own data.
The WORLD CORD BLOOD CONGRESS is open to all the professional actors working in the fields related to cord blood biology and clinical applications, from both the public and private sectors, including physicians, research scientists, technicians, data analysts and nurses. The congress will also be of interest to healthcare policy decision makers.
Registration Fee: 600 euros (The registration fee includes the teaching material and lunch)
Your seat in the conference will be definitively reserved upon receipt of your fee.