Friday, November 11, 2011

March for Life December 10 - The Hague

Cry for Life - Hilversum, The Netherlands have issued the following invitation and hope for a large attendance
Herewith you are invited to participate in the annual March for Life, organized amongst others, by the Dutch Pro-life association Schreeuw om Leven/Cry for Life, Christians for Truth

The March for Life is held annually in order to raise awareness for the protection of the unborn. By participating in the silent March participants ask our Queen and government to turn our liberal laws on abortion and euthanasia, which are a threat to the unborn, our elder citizens and the Christian family values.

The March is organized around the date the Dutch government passed the Pregnancy Termination Law, December 18, 1980; allowing the availability of abortion on demand for any women up to the 24th week of her pregnancy.

The two-and-a-half hour program will start at 13.00 hrs on December 10 on the Square (Plein) with an introduction by drs. L.P. Dorenbos and his wife Mrs. W. Dorenbos. After highlighting the work of the Cry for Life help center Er is Hulp, various participants representing national and international ministries will introduce their organization in support of the March.

The March will lead participants thought the center of the Hague. It is a silent March. Banners and signs will be made available through the March organization.

Women will testify revealing the impact of abortion in their lives. After the March Indian pastor P.P. Job will speak on behalf of the girl child discrimination in India and evangelist Brunt deliver a message from the Bible.

For further information and bus reservations (open until December 1 2011) visit: <> <>

For further information dial  +31(0)35 6244351

During the March the following cell phones are available:
+31(0)651199125 / +31(0)638384149 / +31(0)648270406