The Irish Examiner has published an
excellent article by Cora Sherlock opposing the introduction of abortion in Ireland. The introduction of abortion she says has far-reaching effects and everyone should be free to voice an opinion.The article is reprinted below and is also accessible on the above link.
WE’VE come to expect a certain level of divisiveness in the
abortion debate. It’s an emotive subject simply because it concerns the most
fundamental right of all — the right to life.
Ironically, many call for a calm debate one minute, and then
revert to accusations of cowardice the next. We saw this in action recently
when a group of Fine Gael TDs indicated that they were not prepared to vote for
abortion legislation.
But why should they, or anyone who opposes abortion, be
accused of cowardice? Surely we’ve wrestled with this issue for long enough to
have passed the stage of name-calling? The introduction of abortion to a
society has far-reaching effects. As such, everyone living in that society
should be free to voice an opinion without fear of being castigated, regardless
of where they stand on the issue.
Health Minister James Reilly’s comments and actions over the
past few weeks mean it will not come as any great surprise if the expert group
on abortion reports back in September with a limited list of options, all of
which lead to the introduction of abortion, whether by legislation or
regulation. However, if this happens it will be on the basis of a political
decision and will have nothing to do with the requirements of either medicine
or law.
Women don’t die in Ireland because abortion is illegal here.
We have a lower maternal mortality rate than countries such as the Netherlands
or the UK, where abortion is legal. This fact is often dismissed by those who
would like to see abortion introduced here, but their arguments ignore the fact
that pregnant women in Irish hospitals already receive whatever treatment they
need for an existing medical condition. The only difference is that doctors
here have a duty of care towards the unborn child as he or she is recognised as
a separate patient. The same cannot be said of the UK, for example, where
abortion is legal up to 24 weeks and up to birth if the baby is suffering from
even a minor disability.
Earlier this year, The Daily Telegraph carried out an
undercover investigation which revealed systematic abuses in a number of
abortion clinics, including the illegal practice of sex-selective abortion.
Babies are born alive during "botched abortions" in the UK — and then
left to die.
These facts are unpalatable, but it is incumbent on those
who advocate the introduction of abortion to explain how we will be any
different to countries such as the UK, which introduced abortion on supposedly
"limited grounds" and subsequently found it impossible to restrict or
control. Legally, there is no obligation on the Government to introduce
abortion. The oft-quoted ABC European court decision merely obliged us to state
our laws clearly; it did not state what those laws should be but recognised the
right of the Irish people to decide this issue.
If, as some have suggested, we legislate on the basis of the
X Case, we would be ignoring the fact that the court in X heard no medical
evidence. In making its decision, the court set no time limits. Legislation
based on X means late-term abortions would be protected in law right up to
birth. Since the X Case too, there has been a wealth of peer-reviewed evidence
showing that abortion often has negative consequences on the woman involved — a
fact exemplified by the testimonies of the women in groups like Women Hurt and
this year’s HSE/Crisis Pregnancy Programme Study, which found a marked increase
in the level of abortion regret since the last study carried out in 2003. An
honest debate accepts that there are negative effects on many women. Their
voices must not be drowned out.
In its pre-election commitment to the Pro-Life Campaign,
Fine Gael restated its opposition to the legalisation of abortion and research
conducted on human embryos. It undertook to bring to the expert group a clear
"commitment that women in pregnancy will receive whatever treatments are
necessary to safeguard their lives and that the duty of care to preserve the
life of the baby will also be upheld".
This is the genuine pro-life, pro-woman position that is
currently in practice in Irish hospitals and is consistently supported in
independent opinion polls. A careful review of the facts has meant several
governments have realised abortion is not necessary to safeguard women’s
health. On the contrary, it may jeopardise their psychological wellbeing and
end the life of a separate human being.
Right now, Dr Reilly has primed the expert group to produce
a list of options that would impose an abortion regime on Ireland. This is an
affront to human dignity and the right to life and must be opposed.