During the recent parliamentary debate in Ireland that lead
to the introduction of abortion and despite scholarly research based evidence
to the contrary, the Irish Government decided that suicide ideation was grounds
for abortion.
Expert psychiatric witnesses explained that in many years of
professional practice they had never found this to be the case. On the contrary
their evidence pointed to the fact that post-abortive women had a propensity to
self-harm that sometimes ended in suicide.
Two high profile cases of suicide broke this week this week
and the reports in both cases referenced abortion as having been a major factor
in the subsequent depression that tragically ultimately led to suicide.

The Daily Telegraph reported:
‘But friends believe she had never really gotten over her
marriage to Miller, which ended in divorce after only a year. In her tell-all
autobiography Air Kiss And Tell, she revealed she had an abortion because the
pregnancy would interfere with Miller’s preparation for the 2000 Olympics — and
blamed that for the start of her long battle with depression.’

Oxford student Charlotte Coursier committed suicide six
hours after her boyfriend ended their relationship
A 'talented and gifted' Oxford University student hanged
herself after her boyfriend of 11 months ended their relationship.
Charlotte Coursier was struggling to cope with a 'campaign
of harassment' inflicted on her by a college lecturer, as well as the torment
of having aborted a pregnancy.
An inquest heard how Miss Coursier was found dead at home by
her housemates in June last year.
The incidence of increased mental health problems associated
with abortion is well documented and can be found in the Fergusson Study (2006)
and the Coleman Meta-Analysis (2011). Sadly this is denied for both ideological
and financial reasons by the abortion industry
The American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and
Gynecologists AAPLOG report that compared with birth abortion has a 600%
increased risk of suicide and the timing very often corresponds to anniversary
AAPLOG cite the Gissler Record Link (1997) that found that
the risk of suicide after birth was half that of the general population but
that the risk of suicide following an abortion was 600% greater than following
a birth.