The Alliance for the Defence of the Family and Marriage ADFAM have
issued a press release which is set out in full below.
Alliance for the Defence of the Family and Marriage (ADFAM) is a new initiative to promote and defend the traditional family. It is composed of men and women from across Ireland. The objective will be to build an alliance of likeminded groups across Ireland to campaign against the proposed redefinition of marriage by the Fine Gael/Labour Government.
Our immediate aim is to oppose the General Scheme of a Children and Family Relationships Bill 2014. If it becomes a Bill, and the Bill is passed, it will allow non‐marital couples, including same‐sex couples, the guardianship and custody of children, and the adoption of children by such couples. Such arrangements increase significantly the danger to the children. This proposal will also redefine by stealth the family by allowing the transfer of the natural rights of biological parents to commissioning couples in surrogacy arrangements. Surrogacy involves making a reproductive slave of the surrogate mother, the vast elimination of human embyros (who are living human beings), and “embryo reduction” after implantation. The concentration is on the rights of adults. We have been denied our right to vote on these issues as Minister Shatter has described them as ‘extraneous’.
ADFAM will offer resources to assist with the education and catechesis of Catholics on why marriage is unique and why it should be promoted and protected as the union of one man and one woman. The organisation plans to hold a series of public meetings in every county of Ireland in order to recruit members so that an effective national campaign can be mounted against the Government’s intention to redefine marriage through a referendum in 2015.
ADFAM will highlight what happens to families and marriage where the law recognises same-sex “marriage” and seeks to correct the myth that marriage is merely a private arrangement between two people. Monogamous marriage between man and woman has been the cornerstone for civilisation since its very beginnings. Many believe that the introduction of same-sex “marriage” is based on equality and will be a harmless redefinition of an institution that will be unaffected by it. Instead it will reinforce the idea that marriage is irrelevant to parenthood and it will intentionally deprive children of their natural father and/or mother. ADFAM will campaign for the rights of children and in particular the right of every child to a father and a mother.
For further information please contact Anthony Murphy: 0877727669