The pro abortion forces in Ireland not content with the fact
that Ireland has introduced abortion in certain circumstances have moved to
demanding that abortion be made available in the case of fetal abnormality.
Needless to say their ultimate goal is abortion on demand.

Daly argues the bill on compassionate grounds but everyone
knows she supports abortion on demand up to birth and will do everything
possible to further her deadly agenda. Daly’s approach ignores the hundreds of
women who decide to give life a chance and allow their babies to live as long
as they possibly can. It is also very hurtful
to such women when Daly and her colleagues describe their babies as
‘non-viable’ and ‘incompatible with life’.
Neither can there be any doubt that the liberal media is
anti-life and anti-family judging by the almost blanket acceptance of this new
and discraceful pro-abortion campaign which is using the grief of unfortunate
women who having been diagnosed as carrying so called ‘non viable’ babies were
encouraged to terminate them, whilst at the same time ignoring grief and the
beautiful witness of those women in the same situation who lovingly opted to
give their babies the opportunity of living as long as they possibly could.
There has been little if any reportage on the need for
peri-natal hospice care in these circumstances. Parents of babies with
life-limiting conditions are surely entitled to hear about the positive
benefits of such care. So much for media balance!