The newest post graduate certificate in DCU entitled; Sexuality
and Sexual Health Education is pointing towards an overly sexualised, secular society
where anything goes, as long as you are in control. This collaborative
partnership between DCU school of Nursing and the Irish Family Planning
Association (IFPA) states that it will help individuals to 'make healthy
decisions about sexuality and sexual health regardless of their position in the
life span'. This loaded statement indicates that no matter what age a child is,
they will be educated about sexual decisions and explicit sexual terms and
behaviours unsuitable for their age. Now that these explicit courses are
beginning to emerge in Ireland, Irish citizens need to fully understand the
consequences and implications of such sexual programmes being promoted in
school settings and health care settings.
The course undoubtedly is promoting CSE (Comprehensive
Sexuality Education), which essentially includes issues such as abortion,
promiscuity and LGBTQIA rights. Sexuality education as proposed by this new
course promotes sexual rights at the expense of sexual health. Ultimately the
goal of such programmes is to change the sexual and gender norms of society. A
more accurate name to this course would be abortion, promiscuity and LGBTQIA
rights education.
▪ Train a generation of educators in Sexuality
& Sexual Health.
▪ Elaborate on sexuality-related literary, artistic
and cultural discourses.
▪ Advocate for the implementation and where
necessary the creation of social
policy on sexuality,
sexual health education, and sexual education promotion in
relation to human
rights that shape social justice and diversity.
Comprehensive sexuality education is promoted by powerful organizations
such as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), International Planned
Parenthood Federation (IPPF), the Sexuality Information and Education Council
of the United States (SIECUS), and UN agencies such as the World Health
Organization (WHO), UNAIDS, UNESCO, UNICEF, and UNFPA. Even the World
Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) promotes CSE.
The controversial nature of CSE promotes the following:
• Masturbation to children as young as 5 years old
• Encourages children to explore their gender identity
• Teaches children about orgasm, homosexual and heterosexual
sexual acts
• Promotes abortion as safe and without consequences
• Promotes CSE as a human right and promotes high risk
sexual activities as safe.
• The program also teaches children about the right to
abortion, and encourages
them to advocate for sexual rights in laws
and policies.
This comprehensive approach to sexuality education is
pornographic in nature and fails to include emotional, physical and
psychological health risks of promiscuous sexual activity.
Despite the fact that the Universal Declaration on Human
Rights in Article 26.3
Says that: “Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of
education that shall be given to their children” these programmes are taught
without adequate parental notification or consultation. This is a gross violation
of parental rights.
Provision is also being made at an international level which
grant children privacy and confidentiality further alienating parental rights.
The question to ask here is; confidentiality from whom? and
privacy from whom? This violation of the constitutional rights of parents to
guide and educate their children will make it very difficult for parents to
know what their children are being taught and shown at school. This so called ‘sexual
liberation’ of children from the parents conservative or religious views
regarding sexuality and indoctrinating them in a new worldview that coincides
with various liberal political ideologies is extremely dangerous. The purpose
of such programs is to expose children to explicit sexual content without the
knowledge or consent of their parents.
This new course offered by DCU is only the beginning, the
dangers of such explicit CSE needs to be exposed and our children must be
protected from ludicrous liberal sexual agendas.