If research funded by the tobacco industry just happened to come to the conclusion that smoking carried no serious health risks, would you be just a teensy weensy bit sceptical? Me too. I might just be of the opinion that they had a vested interest in ensuring people lit up as often as possible.
That being the case, it is a little odd that the usually sceptical press have not picked up on the fact that a study claiming that women who have abortions do not suffer adverse psychological effects was funded by Planned Parenthood. One of its authors also just happens to be a former member of the Alan Guttmacher Institute's board of directors (the research arm of Planned Parenthood) and is heavily involved with the abortion industry.
But the press is quite selective about what it chooses to be sceptical about and the ulterior motives behind this latest piece of junk science are unlikely to be questioned very publicly. In the meantime, women will continue to be lied to by the abortion industry in the name of choice and will continue to suffer the consequences.