Meet Kathleen O'Neill, a courageous 13-year-old from Scotland who took part in a silent act of witness for the unborn at her school. The Pro Life Day of Silent Solidarity is popular in the United States but is much less known in Britain and Kathleen was the only person in her school to wear the armband labelled 'life' and to hand out fliers explaining why she was remaining silent for the day.
I was interested to read in her account how supportive her teachers and fellow-pupils were about the stand she took. A certain FPA DVD I could mention, tries to give the impression that young people, particularly young women, are uniformally pro-abortion, but this is simply not the case. It is true that young people are being influenced by a largely pro-abortion media but it is also true that if a person has not yet been politicised, the inherent injustice of abortion is plain to see. We should not be discouraged from taking the pro-life message into schools and colleges where young people are still open-minded enough to listen.