Did you ever wonder how all those ‘anti-ageing’ creams can really ‘plump up’ your skin? (Do the lines – if, indeed, there are any – on your skin appear again once you stop using these magical creams?) For many years there have been questions about the origin and ingredients of anti-ageing creams, and how it is that they can actually reduce the presence of lines and wrinkles. We are constantly being prevailed upon to buy and use these creams - ‘because you’re worth it!’ But are we worth it?
Well, we now have some information that would hopefully dissuade people from buying the creams that make such claims. Children of God for Life have recently announced that a bio-pharmaceutical company called Neocutis is using aborted foetal cell lines to produce several of their ‘anti-aging’ skin creams. Some of the products manufactured by Neocutis are: Bio-Gel, Journee, Bio-Serum, Bio Restorative Skin Cream, and Lumiere.
A promise of free publicity has been made by Children of God for Life to cosmetic companies that do not use unethical ingredients in their products.