Further to previous blogs; 24 October 2009; 11 November 2009; 19 December 2009; 13March 2010; 16 March 2010) on the subject of the ‘Civil Partnership Bill 2009’ that is currently before the Select Committee on Justice, Equality, Defence and Women’s Rights in Ireland, here are some more thoughts on how people can become involved in an effort to put a stop to the progress of this Bill which, if enacted into law, would have very serious negative and damaging consequences for marriage and the family.
You can express your opposition to the Bill by signing an on-line Petition to Protect Marriage at www.catholicvoice.ie. Any of your friends who may not have access to this on-line petition can make their opposition known by writing to: Catholic Voice, PO Box 11559, Dublin 1. The petition will be presented to the Minister for Justice, Dermot Ahern, at the end of April.
I recently came across an interesting website – www.campaignforconscience.org. - which well deserves a reading. A representative of the group has been standing at the gates of Dáil Éireann in the last week, hoping to alert passers-by and the public generally to the dangers contained in the ‘Civil Partnership Bill’. "