Tradition, Family, Property tell us that Archbishop Pagotto, in his statement, goes on to say:
‘Missionary indoctrinators of the homosexual cause project their own fears and ambiguities onto the banner of homophobia… They liken themselves to minorities excluded from society, such as victims of racism and prejudice. They mobilize and advocate a political platform by creating the crime of homophobia which must be repressed and penalized. … Pressure groups shield the subjectivism of their sexual option behind human rights and impose themselves on society and the State by demanding the reforming of that which cannot be reformed: the natural and positive law established by the Creator. …’
In this way, same-sex ‘marriage’ is contrary to the order of nature and natural law –
‘The Church sees this as a suicide of natural law and the social bonds that establish the family as the basic cell of society.’
At present, there is a bill before the Brazilian Senate that would establish as a crime punishable with imprisonment any restriction on the practice or display of homosexuality. The TFP organisation ends its report with the following warning:
Indeed, Archbishop Pagotto’s words could well be applied to Ireland. At a recent public meeting held to plan its equality agenda for the coming years, the Equality Authority (government funded) declared that two historic achievements in the area of equality during the past year were: the passing of the Bill to recognise homosexual unions in law – giving them rights on a par with those enjoyed by married couples, and the large financial award made by the Courts to a ‘transgender’ person against their employer‘Given the international nature of the homosexual movement campaign to impose its goals on society, the courageous statement by the Brazilian archbishop is a timely encouragement for all those who defend the sacred institute of the family based on matrimony as inscribed “in the very nature of man and woman as they came from the hands of the creator”.’