The 8th annual pro-life march will be held in Paris on Sunday next January 22nd. If you can be in attendance please convene at 14.30 pm at the Place de la Republique 75010 Paris. The march will make its way Place de l'Opera and will disperse around 17.30 pm

During this March participants are invited to help the organisers to communicate the following instructions and see that they are courteously respected. Let the message of life be the focus of the March, so that every one's approach is respected.
1. The March for Life is a peaceful demonstration. No forma of violence will be tolerated. Should there be a counter-demonstration, we'll not respond to it, we'll remain agreable and respectful of others.
2. The March for Life is pluralistic : people of different philosophies and convictions are invited to defend the preborn child.
3. March for Life is a nonparty citizenship action. No political party is represented in the collective and if any political officials would make us the honor of participating in the demonstration they are kindly invited to respect the universality of the March.
4. The associations, members of the collective, will walk without showing their own logos and they ask the other associations taking part in the March, to do the same and to merge into the procession. Theys réserve the right of asking to remove any placard, banderole or flag going against the spirit and objective of this march.
5. The participants are invited to follow the instructions given by volunteers (in yellow) or by security services and to take up, repeat the slogans announced on the podium. Any political slogans or any slogans attacking individuals are prohibited.
6.Our march has nothing in common with any verbal offence caused to women who have had an abortion. We love those women and wish they could get help and healing.
7. The participants who will answer interviews are invited to express themselves in the spirit of justice and compassion which caracterises this march.
8. "everybody has the right to be well informed and get adequate help" in this way abortion can be prevented. We want to launch an appeal to public authorities, to medias and people working in this specific area.
9. We ask protection for the preborn child without condition, and that every human being should be respected for what he is., from the time of conception to the natural death. We demand the abolition of abortion and to stop all offences on the human being at the embryonic stage.
10. Participants are asked to come if possible with the colours of the march : red = colour of life, white = colour of innocence, do not hesitate, and wear scarves etc ... Members of medical staff should be in white coats.