Mary McAleese pot stirring. She does not speak for me!
Press Release
18th June 2014
"How dare child-bearing Mary McAleese try to separate the world's Bishops from their mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces, God children, friends and neighbours," said Therese McCrystal, Director of Human Life International Ireland, and National Coordinator for "Women of Grace Ireland""I am sick of feminist clap-trap. Mary McAleese - you do not speak on my behalf!"I am a woman happy in the Catholic Church in Ireland grieved by your animosity and pot stirring." continued the mother of seven.These "celibate men" as she speaks of so derogatively have given their lives to serve "The Family" she accuses them of knowing nothing about. Celibate does not mean living in isolation.I love my Church, my priests and Bishops and have received much help and encouragement from them over the years.Dear Bishops of the world - thank you for serving the family. Please don't stop now at this crucial time!Many priest and Bishops in my own life have shown great wisdom and knowledge in the realm of the family" she concluded.Contact 094 9375993 094 9375993 HLI Ireland, KNOCKwww.womenofgraceireland.com www.humanlife.ie