She said she expected that the expert group examining how to
accommodate the X Case will recommend legislation, and that the Government
would have to discuss those proposals.
the interview can be viewed on this link
This statement is clearly disingenuous since the Expert Group is tasked with producing a range of
options for consideration by the Government not to recommend one
particular course of action.
It is also disingenuous to claim that the "Government will have no choice but to
recommend legislation on the issue" bearing in mind that the European court judgment in A, B and C v Ireland
does not compel Ireland to introduce abortion. the A,B and C judgement simply seeks clarity in the law which is an
entirely different matter.
seeking to introduce abortion in Ireland are intentionally distorting the A,B and C judgement to support their own agenda
while ignoring another important fact, namely, that Ireland, without abortion,
is the safest place in the world for pregnant women.
As a direct result of Minister Lynch's statement and bearing in mind that a number of Fine Gael deputies have placed on record that they will vote against any proposal to legislate for abortion, Ireland's deputy Prime Minister Tanaiste and labour leader Eamon Gilmore was forced to intervene
saying that the Government will wait to
see the report from the expert group examining the implications of a European
Court of Human rights ruling on Irish abortion laws before acting on the issue.
Speaking at the MacGill Summer School in Glenties in Co
Donegal, Gilmore said there would be no split in government over
the issue of abortion.
"We have established structures within government which
enable us to make key decisions on a joint basis," he said.
"We have a very good working relationship, particularly
between the Taoiseach and myself, which is capable of resolving any issue that
arises within the lifetime of the Government."