We reported last week on the impressive billboard campaign
rolled out by Youth Defence/ Life institute. Clearly the pro-abortion in
Ireland is seething with rage and are doing everything in their power to have it
stopped. The issue was raised in the Irish Senate by a prominent member of
Choice Ireland, Senator Ivana Bacik who complained about it, telling the House she had received
numerous complaints about the billboard campaign. Those who had contacted her
she said, felt it was offensive and misleading [...]
Bacik also said that she did not think this was an
appropriate subject for such a campaign and suggested that an expansion of the
remit of the Advertising Standards Authority of Ireland be considered to
facilitate the consideration of complaints about advertising of this kind.
Senator Bacik’s remarks were ably responded to by a number
of Senators, including

In another exchange Senator Mullen told the House he was
somewhat concerned that members of the Labour Party felt they had their tails
up in relation to the legalisation of abortion in this country.
“Some of them regard the expert group as the ‘ready-up’ that
they need in order to foist it on more unwilling colleagues in Government.” But
any attempt to legalise abortion here would cause massive controversy, because
this was the signal human rights issue of our time. See Irish Times report