In what has been described as "contraceptive colonialism", the
London Summit will consist of a new intensified attack on third world
populations by the promotion contraception and sexual and reproductive rights. This summit under the guise of helping women in the third world is more about the destruction of families than anything else. The purpose of the summit is to attract massive funding from Governments and
philanthropic organizations. One of the tactics used by those who wish to push
contraception and abortion is to make much needed development aid conditional on the
implementation of their deadly agenda.
campaign is aimed at funding abortion advocates, targeting women who do not use
contraception, and broadening the base for both the funding and advocacy of family
planning information, “services” and supplies. It is also aimed at removing what are termed "barriers" to the implementation of the agenda. Sadly the much needed development aid is being targeted at reducing the number of children that women bear rather than ensuring that childbearing is safe for all mothers
of state and NGO leaders have been invited. Only governments that pledge funds
or commitments can attend. International Planned Parenthood Federation is
mobilizing civil society prior to the Summit but pro-lifers are not welcome.
We understand that participation in the summit is limited only to those who are
willing to agitate for more funding for, or promote, family planning.
Summit's agenda reaches beyond contraception. The "barriers" they
plan to tear down are moral and religious respect for life, and legal
protections for children.
The Gates Foundation’s primary partners are NGOs such as
International Planned Parenthood Foundation (IPPF) and governments that engage
in abortion and population control campaigns. The Summit’s purpose is to launch
a new global campaign to pressure governments to encourage women to view
children as burdens rather than as precious gifts.