Much has been written about the so-called anti-cervical cancer vaccine that is being ‘offered’ to the parents of young girls in various countries. The roll-out of the ‘anti-cervical cancer’ programme in Ireland (see my blogs for 5 July 2008; 21 August 2008; 18 December 2008; 29 March 2009; 18 January 2010; 10 May 2010; 14 August 2010;) has, hopefully, alerted mothers – in particular- to the possible dangers of the vaccine. Each of the blogs listed contains valuable information on various aspects of the vaccine programme.
The dangers are not only medical and physical, which are of course most important for the health and lives of Irish children, but administration of the vaccine also implies that these young girls will be indulging in sexual activity at a very young age. Mothers Alliance Ireland, a committee of the Christian Democrats/Family First Party, based in Limerick, have just issued a serious warning to parents, in particular, and to school authorities, that they should make themselves aware of all the facts in relation to the vaccination programme for cervical cancer. This programme has already commenced in a number of schools throughout Ireland, with the required second and third ‘jabs’ of the vaccine due to be administered early in the new school year. The vaccine used on Irish schoolgirls is known as Gardasil, and the Department of Health plans to extend the vaccination programme to all schools shortly.
In relation to the anti-cervical cancer programme, and the use of Gardasil, Mothers Alliance Ireland points out that there are numerous reasons why young girls should not be subjected to being vaccinated. The Alliance recommends that, for a start, parents and teachers should consult and seriously study the following websites:
www.comelook.org and www.sanevax.org
As the Alliance says, neither the Department of Health nor the HSE (Health Service Executive), which is overseeing and administering the programme, would like parents to see the information contained on these two websites.