“Progress of the World’s Women: In Pursuit of Justice" is the title of the publication, whose object it is to report the ‘progress’ made worldwide in advancing women’s rights ‘through changing legal norms and ending discriminatory provisions of national laws.’
Photograph shows Ms. Michelle Bachalet, former President of Chile, who is the first UN Under Secretary General and Executive Director of UN Women
The agency works to change individual nations’ laws by bringing international influence to bear through the recommendations of committees of CEDAW and other treaty monitoring bodies – probably also including the Universal Periodic Review of human rights to which Ireland is obliged to submit next October.
‘In Pursuit of Justice’ states, among other things, that the ‘criminal prohibition of abortion in all circumstances violates women’s fundamental rights’, and it talks of the need to confirm ‘women’s right to reproductive health, including safe abortion.’ So called 'achievements' of the international pro-abortion lobby throughout the world, notably in Columbia, Nepal, Kenya, etc., are praised and celebrated.
Relying on ‘recommendations’ made by the CEDAW committee worldwide, ‘In Pursuit of Justice’ encourages extending the scope of legal advocacy and international influence in the realm of the family, which has to date been looked on as being ‘outside justice’. Legal advocacy groups and an individual nation’s ratification of CEDAW are ‘key tools’ in ensuring that religious or other laws or practices can be brought into conformity with ‘international human rights standards’.
Oh yes – and besides advocating the provision of ‘legal abortion’ in countries where it is not already available, the UN Women’s ‘In Pursuit of Justice’ also wants ‘lesbian, transgender, and bisexual women’ to have the protection of the law and ‘access to services’.