Why do we say this?
Following a recent judgement at the European Court of Human
Rights known as the A,B and C case in which three women challenged Ireland’s
constitutional ban on abortion, the Irish Government has appointed an expert
group to review the current position.
For decades Ireland has bravely held out against the
introduction of abortion despite constant pressure from the abortion industry,
the media, UN Agencies and Committees and many pro-abortion member States of
the UN.
Earlier this year, Socialist Clare Daly introduced a bill
under the misleading heading of “Medical Treatment (Termination of Pregnancy in
the case of Risk to Life of Pregnant Women)” Bill 2012, creating a false
impression that women in Ireland are currently being denied necessary medical
treatment because of the lack of abortion laws.
Health Minister Reilly, instead of countering the false
impression that had been created, welcomed this pro-abortion bill and placed
his view on record the sponsors of the Bill had proposed it “for the best of
motivations and for the right reasons”. He also said that six previous
governments had taken no steps to legislate on abortion and he assured the sponsors of the bill
that the present Government “will not be the 7th”.
It seems clear from Minister Reilly’s speech that he expects
that the only real option open to him is to legislate in favour of abortion but
there are other options such as a new amendment to copper-fasten the protection
of unborn life or simply retaining the status quo which has served very well
despite the constant attacks from the pro-abortion forces
What is needed?
International support
And most of all prayer
Following the phenomenally successful 50th
International Congress we wish to encourage all Catholic readers to commit to
an hour of Eucharistic adoration every week specifically for the intention of
protecting unborn life in Ireland.
We would also ask members of other denominations or faiths to commit to
an hour of prayer each week for the same intention.
We at European Life Network (ELN) would very much appreciate
if you could let us know if you are willing to join in this call to prayer and
Eucharistic Adoration by e-mailing
or writing to us at the following address
Glenrue, Ballinclea Road, Killiney, Co Dublin, Ireland