The document is the second edition of the WHO, “Safe
abortion: technical and policy guidance for health systems” which was
originally published in 2003.
“It is a horrific read,” stated Scott Fischbach, Executive
Director of Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life (MCCL) Global Outreach.
“Following these guidelines will assuredly kill women and
their unborn children, especially in developing nations,” he added. “Some of
the recommendations, WHO admits, are based on very low evidence. They are truly reckless and deadly.”
International abortion advocates lauded WHO’s new guide as a
‘major step forward’. IPAS, the
organization which was founded on the creation of a vacuum device used in
abortion, praised “WHO’s respect for the essential role of abortion access in
women’s health and their ability to fully exercise their human rights,”
evidenced in the new document.
The guidelines include four main topics: estimates on unsafe
abortion worldwide, the latest clinical recommendations to perform abortions,
recommendations for “scaling up” services, and advice on policymaking and
legislation. The last of the four
areas is not one usually found in medical advice documents, but WHO stresses
the application of a “human rights framework” to advance pro-abortion
policymaking and legislation — especially for young women.
Through the years WHO has done good work for millions of
people to protect, advance and enrich their lives, but Fischbach says these
deadly guidelines to advance and promote abortion take the organization in the
exact opposite direction.
“The solution to illegal abortions and high maternal
mortality rates is very simple: provide a clean water supply, clean blood
supply and adequate health care,” Fischbach explained. “Statistics confirm that these save
women’s lives — not the legalization of abortion.”
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