“I'm pleased to inform you that the ideological and indoctrinating Spanish subject of Education for Citizenship has been removed from the compulsory primary and secondary education in Spain by the new Minister of Education Mr. José Ignacio Wert. It will be replaced with a new subject on EU institutions and Spanish Constitution. Spanish Family Forum thanks very much all the parents, students and Institutions that along all these years have been opposed to this subject and have been fighting for the defense of the freedom of education in Spain.”
This follows the report last week that the new Government are also intent on rolling back the abortion legislation enacted by the previous socialist government. See my BLOG article
This story is also covered in today's LifeSite News which quotes Education Minister Wert as saying
Wert continued“Education for Citizenship has been accompanied, since its birth, by controversy and created a serious division in society and in the educational world because it went beyond what should belong to a true ‘civic formation’ in accordance with the directories and guides formulated by the Council of Europe,”
The LifeSiteNews.com story may be viewed on the following link“Education for Citizenship and Human Rights,” also known in Spain as EpC, provoked a massive protest by Spanish citizens who said that their right to educate their children according to their own values was being violated by the government.Course materials suggested that teachers have students make a “critical evaluation of the social and sexual division of labor and racist, xenophobic, sexist, and homophobic social prejudices” and said that teachers should strive to “revise the student’s attitude towards homosexuality.”